Friday, December 2, 2011

Corporate colours shaping identity

As quality hunter Asami Nagai wrote in her posting on the QH webpage; corporate colours surely leaves an impression on its customers.

I remember my first flight with Austrian Airlines a couple of years back. The colours really left an everlasting  impression, an impression I'v been stuck with ever since. Unfortunately the impression wasn't a good one, quite the opposite.

Picture: Austrian Airlines

Either the designer of this interior must have been colour blind or disillusioned. How on earth can someone come up with a colour combination like this? Unfortunately this impression/identity - being shaped by colours - has made me avoid flying with Austrian if other possibilities have been available.

The other day, I was very pleased to find out that Austrian has launched a new cabin interior. I have to say, much more to my liking (maybe I'm being old fashioned here, so be it).

   Picture: Austrian Airlines

Now, I'm in fact looking forward to my next flight with Austrian. Still, I have one humble request for Austrian: Please skip the red pantyhose when you update the uniforms for the cabin crew next time. Red pantyhose may be OK for christmas, but running around looking like a small elf all year round is not OK. Not even if your corporate colour is red.


  1. Interesting post. Colors are very important for perception, and the design of the interior of a plane can have influence on the travel experience. So picking the 'right' colors is important.
    However... sometimes it's also a bit a matter of taste. Not in the case of the overload of the first picture, but it is in the case of the panty hoses. I've never seen it myself, but I like the picture. I think it goes well with the corporate colors, with the new interior design and it does not necessarily make me think of elves.

  2. Thank you Arjan for your comment. As you said, it's all a matter of taste. Thank god there's no accounting for taste.

  3. Yeah, I think the read tights are awesome, so much more inventive and eye-catching than the black or nude of most other airlines. I'd fly Austrian just to see 'em, that's for sure!
