Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight…

For years and years most flights have been non-smoking flights. Haven’t we all heard the following inflight announcement, “We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited in the entire aircraft, including the lavatories"! To me this announcement is crystal clear, capeesh, I get it.

No smoking means no smoking. Since this is clear for most passengers I would assume it would be clear for Boeing and Airbus as well. But no! They do insist on adding ashtrays to the lavatory doors!?

Dear engineers at Airbus and Boeing, which part of non-smoking didn’t you understand? If a flight is meant to be non-smoking you don’t need to put in ash trays. For a smoker, going to the lavatory, could be equalized to sending someone to “Temptation Island”. Aren’t the poor bastards, that fancy a smoke during the flight, more likely to be tempted to smoke when they see an ashtray? To me, It’s like showing a shot to a junkie.

So please Mr Boeing, next time you redesign the lavatory doors, skip the ashtrays and add nicotine gum dispensers instead.

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